One of those days !
Oh no ! 28 September is turning out to be one of those days !
15h Inauguration of refurbished Maison de la Bible in Bordeaux hypercentre
16h Collect friend from airport at Mérignac
18h Baptism of four Chinese friends at Cenon
18h Barbecue to celebrate inauguration of refurbished MB (see above).... in Villenave d'Ornon
Still, another way of seeing this is as a menu of delights, and I can choose which one(s) I do !
p.s. AND ANOTHER ONE - the installation of a pastor in one of Bordeaux's churches that day, too !
15h Inauguration of refurbished Maison de la Bible in Bordeaux hypercentre
16h Collect friend from airport at Mérignac
18h Baptism of four Chinese friends at Cenon
18h Barbecue to celebrate inauguration of refurbished MB (see above).... in Villenave d'Ornon
Still, another way of seeing this is as a menu of delights, and I can choose which one(s) I do !
p.s. AND ANOTHER ONE - the installation of a pastor in one of Bordeaux's churches that day, too !