We both got ill at Christmas - I blame the foreign Parisian bugs - and it's taken us both a while to fully recover. My asthma got set off, not with major crises but with a fairly constant wheeze and rattle. I slept through it but apparently I was noisy all night. Pat, for her part, got over her infection but then had one of her back problems. So we've not been on the bikes for about a month, relying on shanks' pony (walking) and the trams and buses. It's not been a great loss as we've had very cold weather and occasional torrential downpours. I saw the doctor and predictably am being sent for x-rays, blood tests and probably a cardiologist later on, just in case it's fluid retention. Pat saw the doctor, too, and also an osteopath. I took herbal anti-inflammatories and maxed out my asthma treatment until things settled down. Anyway, long story, on Friday we looked at each other and at the forecast, and hop, bikes it was. It felt good to be back in the saddle. Co...