What a difference a week makes!
Well there we are. A little while ago the church could not meet, and what's more, even if it could I couldn't meet with it. The choir could not rehearse, and even if it could, I could not rehearse with it. We could travel up to 100km and even stay overnight, but no cafés or restaurants would be open. Everything was somewhat difficult. Now we can meet as churches and I am allowed to go, too! However, we do have to wear masks for the whole duration of the service, removing them briefly for the purposes of the Lord's Supper, we have to disinfect all the surfaces, we have to ventilate the church well, we must stay always 1 meter apart, but we can do everything else we usually do. And I can do it too. Now choirs can meet, observing physical distancing, and can sing, faces masked. And I can meet with them. (I think I probably won't until September, just to be doubly certain.) Also we can travel anywhere in France. Soon we might even be able to cross into Spa