It's a play on words. Originally, apparently, the idea was for everyone to get that violin out of the attic and to make some music (faites de la musique). It's turned into a nice way to mark the start of summer with all kinds of concerts, open-air, in cafés and restaurants, in churches, in public squares etc. When it falls on Saturday or Sunday the whole of Bordeaux turns into one big mushroom, with different styles and genres in different squares and halls. So you can wander round the city listening to jazz, to rock, to street music, to choirs, to classical players, to folk music, to rap, slam and hiphop, you name it you can find it. But this year it's on a Thursday, so it's just a musical evening. Which brings us to tomorrow: Firstly some brass friends are playing in bandas (street bands) in a bar called the Chico Loco (I think). I would love to go and hear them but I don't think it will be possible. Then Catrin and two collaboratrices will be singing