Book review : How Will The World End? by Jeramie Rinne
Recently a friend showed me a book that they'd been recommended to read on the book of Revelation. "I'm baffled", they said, waving the standard, respected volume at me. It isn't terribly easy to find an accessible, straight-forward help to understanding the book of Revelation or the doctrine of eschatology, the last things. I like Sam Storms' "Kingdom Come", Wilcock's "Message of Revelation" and Bewes "The Lamb Wins", among others. Now you can add "How will the world end?" by Jeramie Rinne. The book has immediate advantages over all the others, however. Firstly, it is very short. Just 96 pages. And some of the pages have diagrams on them! It really won't take you long to read this book. Secondly, the cover is a very pleasing shade of red. Perhaps the reddest book cover I have ever seen. Any more red and it might slip into the infra-red and become invisible. More importantly, the book is surprisingly co