We have a student from the Belgian Bible Institute with us on placement this week and it is proving to be a very stimulating experience. It means he preached on Sunday, in French, aided and abetted by his excellent Cornish wife, Demelza. Then discussions and dreams on Tuesday and a little on Wednesday. Today we'll see each other for lunch, and he's also working on what one calls our "visual identity" - so we can order a banner to tie to the grill of the door at Dan. There are other visits at the moment, too. Fiona Steward is in town and last night Gwilym and I went to a barbecue at the Cenon church in her honour. Also Helen was in playgroup, nursery and primary school with Gwilym and is currently starting a year in Bordeaux studying physics, so we have met up with her an her parents a little. This means LOTS of eating here and there, here a sandwich, there a barbecue, here a lunch by the seaside, there an invitation to a restaurant, everywhere indigestio