Well there we are - it was Matthew 2
The King and the king. Now I am SO tired. For reasons I won't go into. Phew. Tomorrow we have our New Year's Eve Church Pie Social, with games and animations. We Daveys are organising it (!) and we're doing rice and assorted sludge §, including something called la daube . This seems to be a common name for boeuf bourguignon . Rice and sludge has been done before so it should be OK. We don't have much salad promised but I don't think that will be a huge problem. Pat, meanwhile, has a grave cold. French people take medicine for colds. Here's the conversation I had when I had my serious cold the other day... Oh, it's just a cold. Have you been to the doctor ? What ? For a cold ? Of course not. We never treat colds. In fact we say that if you treat a cold it will last a week, if you don't it will last seven days. But that's the same... oh.. But there are very good remedies for cold, and if you don't treat a cold you can have serious complications...