Catrin's first day back
went well. She likes her teacher, who is new to the school, too. Pat asked the directrice if it would be OK to take Catrin to the UFM conference which is just before half-term, and she said that's OK. (It means missing two or three days of school.) We have to ask Gwilym's directeur next Monday, but he will probably be OK with it, I hope. Also they asked for Catrin's end of year report - but we already signed that and sent it back. Hmm. Anyway, I am sure it's not serious. And thankfully the new teacher checked that everyone had everything on their list of stuff - and Catrin was missing her four cahiers de travaux pratiques , grand format , covered in yellow, clear, red and purple. How could we have forgotten them? ( Grand format is 32cm x 24 cm, a fair bit bigger than A4) So Alan was despatched to get them. I went first to our local Géant . They had some spiral bound, but the kids mustn't have spiral-bound. But that was all Géant had. It was at that point that I