Well, we've finally ordered the wood-burning stove !
High on the agenda is to get the heating and hot water sorted out. The Davey grand plan is to use a wood-burning stove for heating, and overnight cheap electricity for hot water (and we run the washing machine overnight on a timer. Washing machines in France are all cold fill - they heat their own water. Electric showers seem to be unknown in France.) Anyway, I went, armed with my quote, to Leroy Merlin. I confessed straight away that the quote dated from April, so that threw them into debate. One chap said "So what ? Nothing will have changed. We'll just do it." Another said "We can"t do that, we'll have to start all over again". I feared secretly that the stove may have been discontinued, but thankfully no ! Well, they solved their dilemma by sending me over to the Installation Service Office where I waited a very long time before explaining the problem to a chap who said "Change any prices of parts but keep the same labour charge". So I we...