Calgary Clint's Cowboyology Classification

I was thinking the other day about Dr. A...w and his comments on taxonomy. He talked about lumpers and splitters.

The splitters are the taxonomists who say "These two populations of creature are clearly different, we'll split them into two different subspecies, or even species."

The lumpers say "These are obviously two types of the same beast. They belong together in the same species." §

I often think of lumpers and splitters in the church. Calgary Cowboy Clint has classified American calvinistic baptists into several streams.

Here in France when you say "Baptiste" and "réformé" or "calviniste" in the same sentence it elevates the eyebrows of those who hear and evokes the exclamation "Tiens !"

As for me I wonder if neo-evangelical has the same negative connotation in the US as it does in the UK ?

§ incidentally to show you how fascinating and controversial taxonomy can be, the ordinary British bluebell even in my short lifetime has been Endymion, Scilla and Hyacinthoides. It's a real hotbed, I can tell you !


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