Swings and roundabouts

You know I'm applying to do this masters at Vaux-sur-Seine in Missiology and Church-planting ?

Well I had this email today that told me that in all probability my dossier will be accepted.

However the council of professors will have to meet to decide what equivalence to award - whether my studies in theology with the EMW plus my 22 years of pastoral experience will amount to the equivalent of a degree or the equivalent of A levels.

They propose to admit me to the masters program me so that I do the masters studies and the masters evaluations and do a masters dissertation, but at the end I get a bachelors degree. I know that sounds wrong, but this is the sentence :

très probablement, vous admettrons-nous à suivre le programme de Master de missiologie en implantation d'Eglises, non pas en vue du diplôme de Master mais de celui de la Licence.

So it is more than likely that I won't take them up on their offer. I don't see the point at my age in spending all that time and money on doing a bachelor's degree in theology.

Anyway the council of professors meet in early September, which means that I need to start to look at other options.


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