A quiet day, followed by a literary encounter
Civilisation (the organisation structure of French Universities - amazing! I don't know that about BRITISH universities), followed by history and student presentations on the war in Indo-china (i.e. when the French lost Vietnam) and on General deGaulle.
Did you know that apparently in the 1960s a survey of British people voted deGaulle the most evil man of the 20th century? That is, worse than Hitler and Stalin!
Then into the student centre to get a bit of help setting up Microsoft Money. I think I can carry on and do it all now. It'll give me useful pie-charts showing what proportion of our money goes on rent (30%, that bit's easy) and on other stuff, and it will generate my tax declaration for me at the end of the year.
Then to a literary encounter at Mollat bookshop. A new author was presenting her book called "The inconsolable". Books on bereavement and mourning seem to be very much the order of the day at the moment. One of our lecturers won an Aquitaine prize for her novel about mourning, and the Olympic Poetry Prize for her book of poems that is sister to the novel. A DEFLE student is reading the novel at the moment and says it is the most beautiful writing she's ever read.
I didn't buy the book. Well, it was 13 euros (8 pounds).
Did you know that apparently in the 1960s a survey of British people voted deGaulle the most evil man of the 20th century? That is, worse than Hitler and Stalin!
Then into the student centre to get a bit of help setting up Microsoft Money. I think I can carry on and do it all now. It'll give me useful pie-charts showing what proportion of our money goes on rent (30%, that bit's easy) and on other stuff, and it will generate my tax declaration for me at the end of the year.
Then to a literary encounter at Mollat bookshop. A new author was presenting her book called "The inconsolable". Books on bereavement and mourning seem to be very much the order of the day at the moment. One of our lecturers won an Aquitaine prize for her novel about mourning, and the Olympic Poetry Prize for her book of poems that is sister to the novel. A DEFLE student is reading the novel at the moment and says it is the most beautiful writing she's ever read.
I didn't buy the book. Well, it was 13 euros (8 pounds).