Waterman washable ink versus Parker
Washable ink is really important when you use an effaceur to correct your written French. I reckon that the more presentable an exam answer I hand in the better (if it can't always be correct at least it can be pretty!), so an effaceur has been essential for me.
Parker do washable blue cartridges, as do Waterman. But the Parker ink is fairly pale and insipid, not even a royal blue. The Watermen ink is much darker, so it's easier to read.
Of course, Parker and Waterman cartridges are not interchangeable, so at exam time and for essays to hand in I use my Waterman fountain pen, usually my Philéas.
Now that term-time is over, I'll be able to put converters in my Parker pens and use Waterman ink in them.
Of course - it's important not to write cheques in washable ink!
Parker do washable blue cartridges, as do Waterman. But the Parker ink is fairly pale and insipid, not even a royal blue. The Watermen ink is much darker, so it's easier to read.
Of course, Parker and Waterman cartridges are not interchangeable, so at exam time and for essays to hand in I use my Waterman fountain pen, usually my Philéas.
Now that term-time is over, I'll be able to put converters in my Parker pens and use Waterman ink in them.
Of course - it's important not to write cheques in washable ink!