Latest on the house-hunt

Well it was good to have another little break from the house-hunt - I was in a meeting all day on Friday, then the estate agents are closed on Saturdays and, of course, on Sundays.
Having had our offer on the house at rue Pasteur rejected, I did a hunt on the seloger website and found a house that appears to be very near Catrin's school. It's within our budget. It is one of these live upstairs and huge garage downstairs houses. The estate agent says the house is still available and has a smallish garden (though I think he then said it was 400 - 500 square metres, which is pretty big really). The blurb said "gros potentiel". I asked if that meant "gros travaux" (lots of work to be done) but he said that it just meant you could do things with the garage-basement.
We have arranged to see it - his earliest appointment is on Wednesday. If it would do, great! Otherwise we will wait till we come back from our summer trip to Britain to continue the chase.
The other house on this page is the Landaise that is still available - at various prices according to which estate agent you go with. This house would be a possible.
Drawbacks? A Very Small Kitchen. Two houses due to be built in front of it (though that would then make it in deuxième plan

Advantages? Huge lounge with cathedral ceiling - great for music evenings! Three good bedrooms and a study with balcony.
These Landaise houses look bigger than they are, but this one is still pretty big! It seems strange to think we could buy a place like this and spend less on the mortgage than on the rent for our little bungalow. Of course, the reason is the equity from our house that we sold in North Wales.
