Most visits involve a brief time here

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Anonymous said…
Nearly all the house pictures show pink straggly lines running up the walls. Are these 1) Where the paint has peeled revealing the pink undercoat
2) a psychedelic form of wall decoration
3) is wall crack polyfilla in france which is pink
4) is your camera
5) some sort of reasonable explanation?
Alan said…
Our art department has examined the photographs and the house very carefully and confirm the presence of pink straggly line wallpaper in the hallway. Pink straggly lines found elsewhere suggest that either the computer monitor be changed or an optician consulted at the earliest opportunity.
Anonymous said…
Chris, you probably wouldn't be aware of this, but a few years ago, well quite a lot of years ago actually, the Police Review magazine did an article where the police station in one of the large American cities with a violent reputation - I can't remember which one, (it seems to me that they're all violent), had a cell painted pink. It was done in consultation with a psychiatrist or psychologist or interior decorator or maybe a plumber or someone. However, it seems that the pink colour had the effect of calming even the most violent of prisoners down very quickly. The down side of it, as I seem to recollect, was that if they stayed in that environment for very long, it more than reversed the pacification of the subject who was likely to go stark staring mad. Apart from urging the Davey family not to take lengthy books in there to read, I will pass no further comment!!!
Alan said…
Well that explains a lot.

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