It's been hot today, so everyone has their little bottle of water

OK - some people have an ENORMOUS bottle of water. Strangely, it seems the smaller the person, the bigger the bottle of water. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said…
Friday - it's 18 degrees indoors here! We're still in Winter clothes and it's pouring with rain here in North Wales, with gales last night in the South. Apparently there are drought orders in the South of England though. Maybe it's the North / South divide! Or maybe we look after our rain better up here.
Thank the Lord for rain.
Anonymous said…
Something to do with the inverse law of relativity no doubt!
Alan said…
Yes. Some thoughts on rain. A wine grower from down river tells me that they're OK for water now till August. A bit of a drought helps the grapes. Like it or not, that's important for the economy of this area. ALSO if we have a normal dry summer then our garden will go crisp and brown and we will not need to mow it. At present we have baking hot days alternating with overnight rain, which is making the grass and weeds grow VERY FAST!

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