Hooray! We're insured!

So the new house is insured and the old house is still covered while we move out.

And we now have complementary health insurance for the whole family. Interesting to note that health insurance is 6 times more expensive than house insurance - I guess because we are six times as likely to be burgled than our house ... or something.

A slight complication - because Pat and I are over 41 (oh yes we are! I know it's hard to believe) we have to wait 6 months before we can have an operation.

(Hang on appendix! Not long now!)


Anonymous said…
I'm a little confused as to the 'complementary' health insurance, (remember, there's apparently no such thing as a free meal). Is it included in the house insurance so that you're not intended to be ill for long enough to miss a payment or what? That seems unlikely on the face of it as the insurers are unlikely to provide two benefits for one sixth of the price of one of them. Is it rather a provision of the mortgage policy?

Confused of Tonbridge Wells.
Anonymous said…
I think that you will find that a wait of 6 months is usual for most private health insurance schemes. It certainly was in Austria. They wish to discourage private health tourism - different to our NHS.
Alan said…
The French health care system is reportedly very good, but you do end up paying quite a bit.

We are members of the CAVIMAC organisation, which organises health care and retirement pensions for priests, monks, nuns, pastors and missionaries. By virtue of paying into this our medical expenses are reimbursed by a certain percentage (generally about 2/3).

Then you take out complementary insurance to cover the rest. It's a good idea because though you end up paying quite a bit of money each month, you only need one appendix to burst to get all that money back.

Fortunately most people only have one appendix to burst, of course... But other medical emergencies can arise, too. I just use appendix as an example.
Alan said…
Pat's crown came loose today.

I said "Can you hang on until April?"

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