Jacques Brel Ne Me Quitte Pas ( English Subtitles )

This became the wan "If you go away" in English, where someone tries to persude their better half not to leave on a business trip or to go and look after Grandma for the afternoon.

"Don't leave me" is MILES better than "don't go away from me"


Alan said…
Don't miss the heart-rendingly beautiful accompaniment of the musical saw at the end...
Anonymous said…
Great video. Great artist. Great song.
To le Gallois above:
I believe it's not a musical saw, but an instrument called Ondes Martenot. It sounds very similar to the musical saw.

All the best,

Saw Lady
Alan said…
Yes, it probably is an ondes martenot, but ir's quite nice to think of someone in the background playing the saw, no ?

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