A quick report on the weekend
The International Home Group numbered about 15 people. Some of our old faithfuls were otherwise occupied with young peoples' sleepovers but there were a few new people, Chinese and French.
Andy brought this special Chinese tea for us to try. Later on I'll make a cup and video it (yes - it's moving tea) Nicer than you might fear.
Sunday began bright and early with the PowerPoint and a call for help in getting the sleepover lads to Cenon, so I despatched Pat to fetch 'em while I finished off the preparation and leaped in the shower. And we weren't late !
After the service some charging round sorting out address lists, carols for the carol service, English, then French, then rehearsing a song we'll sing (get this - we have an impromptu choir : 3 sopranos, 3 altos, 3 basses ... and me. I said, "Bon, si le monde est contre Athanase, Athanase est contre le monde." I should save my breath for singing. )

Then zoom off home for 3-minute spaghetti - possibly one of the finest inventions ever made, it's HOLLOW ! How do they do that ? - and off to get my friend who was preaching at Blaye. He has narcolepsy so elaborate plans had been laid to get him back from Blaye if he didn't feel up to continuing on to the evening meeting at Cenon at 6. He did feel up to it, however, so we stuck to plan A. I spent a while worrying whether I had said Augustin se sent assez fort pour venir ce soir or Augustin sent assez fort pour venir ce soir. Find out why this matters in the next post. And we weren't late !
After the service we zoomed back to Cenon. I am pretty confident of finding Anglade now but I still use the GPS because the speed limit changes all the time on the road to Blaye and you don't always notice the signs. It's 90, 50, 70, 50, 90, 70... Sometimes you see an "end of 70 limit" sign and wonder where the 70 limit began. Anyway the GPS tells us where the limits change and as long as you don't trust it TOO much it's very useful. Still, as I later remarked, I can just send the speeding tickets to the church treasurer for reimbursement ! And we weren't late !
I was late to bed, though.
Andy brought this special Chinese tea for us to try. Later on I'll make a cup and video it (yes - it's moving tea) Nicer than you might fear.
Sunday began bright and early with the PowerPoint and a call for help in getting the sleepover lads to Cenon, so I despatched Pat to fetch 'em while I finished off the preparation and leaped in the shower. And we weren't late !
After the service some charging round sorting out address lists, carols for the carol service, English, then French, then rehearsing a song we'll sing (get this - we have an impromptu choir : 3 sopranos, 3 altos, 3 basses ... and me. I said, "Bon, si le monde est contre Athanase, Athanase est contre le monde." I should save my breath for singing. )

Then zoom off home for 3-minute spaghetti - possibly one of the finest inventions ever made, it's HOLLOW ! How do they do that ? - and off to get my friend who was preaching at Blaye. He has narcolepsy so elaborate plans had been laid to get him back from Blaye if he didn't feel up to continuing on to the evening meeting at Cenon at 6. He did feel up to it, however, so we stuck to plan A. I spent a while worrying whether I had said Augustin se sent assez fort pour venir ce soir or Augustin sent assez fort pour venir ce soir. Find out why this matters in the next post. And we weren't late !
After the service we zoomed back to Cenon. I am pretty confident of finding Anglade now but I still use the GPS because the speed limit changes all the time on the road to Blaye and you don't always notice the signs. It's 90, 50, 70, 50, 90, 70... Sometimes you see an "end of 70 limit" sign and wonder where the 70 limit began. Anyway the GPS tells us where the limits change and as long as you don't trust it TOO much it's very useful. Still, as I later remarked, I can just send the speeding tickets to the church treasurer for reimbursement ! And we weren't late !
I was late to bed, though.
