At the supermarket

We have this system of self-scanning now with these zappers you use to read the bar codes on the stuff you buy. However from time to time the computer says you have to pass everything by the scanner on the till anyway just to be sure. When I bought the emergency rice on Saturday I had to rescan at the till.

Anyway this morning someone called to see Pat so I made myself scarce and did the "weekly shop". At the till the people before me were being scanned. I was happily sorting out my coupons (we now have about 6 million zapopoints - almost enough for a free litre of milk) when the lady finished doing their scan.

"Il manquait un article. C'est une manque de rigeur!" (There was one item missing. Careless !)

The couple took this criticism in their stride, but I thought "I hope I don't get rescanned, not if we get marked on our scanning !"

All was OK. No rescan. Anyway I always scan with extreme rigour - especially since that day when something appeared on my bill that I hadn't bought or even ever seen !


Unknown said…
Hi Alan
I always checked everything religiously after some bananas at Carrefour apparently were going to cost me 200 and something euros instead of 2. Certainement "une manque de rigeur" with their computer's decimal points!
I sometimes lurk on your blog (- and young Brady's!)and really enjoy being reminded of the peculiarities of life in France.
Greetings to Pat!
Alan said…
Welcome Janice !

Janice used to live near the utterly glorious Aix-en-Provence, but she has swapped the sweet chirrup of the cigale for the soft scent of the hop.

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