ESV Study Bible

With the beginning of services in English and so on I decided to order an ESV Study Bible from Amazon in the USA.

If I bought one from Amazon France it would cost a huge amount. Amazon UK don't seem to be able to find our house here in France, so I spent a few US cents on the new study Bible.

They said it would come around Christmas, but it actually arrived about a fortnight ago. It's GREAT ! It has a mini-systematic theology in the back ! Great if you can never remember who the monophysites were and what the nestorians got up to.

Anyway, here Al Mohler tells us how to use Study Bibles and recommends the ESV Study Bible. There's one sentence in American Academic English that I so appreciated I thought I'd translate it for you.

Al says : The ESV Study Bible redefines the study Bible in terms of its sheer heft.

Alan translates : It's REALLY BIG.


Anonymous said…
Yes, I quite like the ESV myself. Does the Study Bible come with Anglicized/Anglicised(?) English? I know that the ordinary printed version can but, annoyingly, my Libronix ESV is in US English, not English English. Get my drift???
Alan said…
Oh I surely do, sir. But I don't know the accurate response to the query that you pose. Since I purchased my ESV Study Bible from Amazon in the USA I expected it to be in US English, as indeed it is. Anyone else in our august readership who knows ?
Larry said…
I don't know about the study Bible but ESV does come in real English. (With the cover saying angliciZed, how infuriating!)

I have long drooled over my laptop at the thought of an ESV SB, (sounds like a gun) but shall make do with my Reformation Study Bible. (A.K.A How to become a Calvinist in 1800 pages.)
Anonymous said…
I am (almost) beginning to feel sorry for your American correspondents such as Joy, they must be feeling quite 'got at' but what can they expect. They take over a natural - and totally illogical - language, mutilate it and then presume to call it the same thing. I think we're back to, "If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck." The problem seems to be that the written form neither looks like a duck and the spoken form certainly doesn't sound like a duck so its chances of being a duck seem to be diminishing by the moment! However, may I presume to commend Nelson's Linbronix digital library to you, it's a very-powerful tool and almost infinitely expandable. They've just had some very attractive Christmas offers and, while it is probably now too late to get them for Christmas, they may still be available. Accordingly, if you wish me to try and send you a link, (my I.T. talents are seriously constrained), ask Alan and he'll send you my e-mail address and/or 'phone number - if he hasn't lost them. Sadly, I don't think there are any perks in this for me but you may gain some really good Christian literature at pretty reasonable prices and they are constantly adding new titles. (With the exception - I suspect - of Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones works, it is likely to be, I'm afraid, all in American!)
Anonymous said…
Sorry, I forgot to say that that last reply was intended specifically for Larry.
Anonymous said…
The E.S.V. Study Bible available for sale in our local Christian Bookshop is, sad to say, in American!

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