Outside the Hôtel de Ville

It was unbelievably wonderful, with diaporamas of different scenes, including the jungle, a North African looking city, the desert and the Arc de Triomphe, and in the centre stuffed dummies of someone behind a computer desk dealing with someone's dossier while splendid martial music played.
It's a good thing that the lorry was unmanned and that the person behind the desk was a stuffed dummy because otherwise I think I might have signed up on the spot.
I MIGHT be too old now anyway.
(In actual fact, one of them was rude to a shop assistant friend of Claire's and when it was reported, he was seen RUNNING through the streets of the town in full kit with, if I remember the story correctly, rifle held and maintained above his head in the full heat of summer. Afterwards, he went back and apologised to the lady in question.)