La Veillée de Noël

This evening is the Christmas service at Anglade near Blaye. A number of us will travel up from Bordeaux and environs. I'm technicien de projection de chants, so I'll sort out the PowerPoint file for the hymns once I get the list.

One of the big things I miss about Britain is the richness of our hymns and songs. At Christmas-time you can easily sing carols for a couple of weeks without repeating any. Not here. If I were a poet and good at French I'd set about translating and writing, but I am not, so I'll have to pray for someone else to get on with it.

Tomorrow there's no service for us as such. Normally we'd go along to the Anglican Chaplaincy Christmas morning service but this year instead we're going to the student centre early to set up for lunch. Except that I am wondering whether to drop off Pat and the kids and scuttle off to the chaplaincy myself. It's my once-a-year visit and it would be a pity not to say hello at all. I'll check the times.


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