It was Christmas Day in the centre

The quickest report on Christmas Day in the student centre. We were about 25, of whom about 20 were Chinese. I was especially pleased that a friend called Mohamad was there and had brought his neighbours with him. Fiona was unable to be there as she'd gone down with 'flu. An excellent meal - largely Chinese but some other stuff.

We ate, we played games - ice-breaker games, a team quiz, we inveigled people into singing. I ended up singing "Un fendith dyro i'm" because I could only remember that or "Oes gafr eto" on the spot.

The beginners English class did this sketch of the nativity story, which was made all the better by the fact that the angels shepherds and mages were all played by the same people with the addition of wings, tea-towels or gifts.

Then I did a brief talk-ette on our reaction to the good news - how the experts thought they knew everything so they didn't seek the truth about Jesus, how Herod just wanted to keep things the way they were and couldn't bear losing power so he reacted violently against Jesus, and how the mages did whatever it took to find out the truth about Jesus, and that's what FAC is there for.

We're still at the centre. Some people are playing Jungle speed - doesn't work for me because the colours are too subtle , some people are clearing up in the kitchen, some are on the phone and I am having a nice cup of tea and a sit down and asking you to pray for our friends that they seek the truth about Jesus Christ.

I spoke without notes but with an outline in my head. Where the quality of the French isn't so important I dare to do that now.


Amrita said…
I don 't understand french, would like to know if they are eaten raw. She did not cook them.
Alan said…
Yes, they are eaten raw.

In fact, alive.

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