Les huîtres: guide d'achat

How to buy, keep and serve oysters.

Yesterday as we drove to the student centre we passed oyster stall after oyster stall. The bakers and the florists were open, too.

So oysters are extremely popular but I can't imagine I'll ever eat them.


joydriven said…
i bought them fresh and baked them on the half shell for christmas '06 in france. with a dill cream sauce. it was a good first-time/rare-occasion experience. might try to repeat it for new year's with the family, just for kicks.
Alan said…
Kicks is what I'd get, too !

I ought to clarify - they aren't expensive and Pat's eaten them at a church event but while I've eaten rabbit, boar, 40 kinds of bird and all with interest ( if not always with relish ) I just can't get my head round eating crustacea...

It's the slimy, rubbery gloopiness.

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