A lively day !

Well well that was a lively day. It started quietly enough simply running someone to the airport. Then I had a rendez-vous for coffee with a friend visiting from Switzerland BUT we had not arranged a place to meet, he is staying in a rented house and his mobile phone doesn't work here. I phoned his father who was unable to tell me the house number but he told me the road, so I drove down there to look for a Swiss Opel.


I drove home to find the Griffins there for lunch. Our friends, the Foreaux arrived soon afterwards and we got our raclette sets out, the meat, cheese and potatoes. We waited for the last person to arrive but eventually gave up and ate a hearty meal of bacon, spuds and cheese, followed by leftover cheesecake from yesterday and icecream log.

While we waited we had a phone-call to inform us of the death of an old friend in Connah's Quay. She'd been ill for some time and died during the night of Christmas.

It snowed this afternoon, quite hard, but not for long and it didn't stick. It snows every year in Bordeaux.

Not long afterwards Layla from Bahrain and Kiki from Lebanon arrived ( co-students from Pat's French class ) and we proceeded to tea. Then the friend we were waiting for at lunchtime who thought she'd been invited for tea ( and maybe she had - who really can say ). So we were a lively international bunch.

Now it's just us and we're feeling kind of drowsy.


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