Televangelists and cyberpastors - following their example

The solapanel has been considering the temptations upon pastor/preachers to try to compete with the televangelists and cyberpastors by turning the knob up to 11.

I'm preaching on 3 John this week ( Samy preached on 2 John last week ) and John emphasises walking in the truth and following good examples.  This reminds me of the concern I have always had about televangelists back before cyberpastors were even invented - and that is that there is a vital ingredient missing - visibility.

Paul shared his life with people. They knew how he ate, how he treated people, what he was like under pressure, what he was like when things went well, what made him laugh, what made him cry. When he said "follow my example" they could have written a book about it.

Even the best cyberpastor - well we know only what they tell us. When they say "follow my example" we copy their vocabulary, dress, gestures and hairstyle.

So next time you listen to your favorite cyberpastor just remember that he is a different species from the pastor at your church. To the cyberpastor you are just another listener, a consumer, a figure, next to nothing. You come, you go, it makes no difference to him at all. He'll never cry with you when your baby is ill, pray by your hospital bed or dance at your wedding. When he speaks - take it or leave it.

Your pastor is so different. You and he belong together because you are both covenanted together in the local church. He loves you like the cyberpastor never can. You can see how he lives, how his wife lives, how his kids live. You come, you go, he rejoices and he grieves ! When he speaks - listen hard and listen well. This guy loves you.

A cyberpastor can be a great thing - but it can never replace the pastor of the local church and they shouldn't be compared - they are different things entirely.


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