"Normal" blogging will be resumed as soon as possible
It's been quiet, hasn't it.
Partly because I had one of those snap, sharp colds that comes quickly, knocks you down and then leaves as quickly as it came. Nurse Davey has impressed on me the need to care for a cold, so I take to my bed for a day then I am better the next.
Then it's been a very happy busy couple of days, with lots of coming and going.
Then, less happily, late nights and early mornings. Early mornings I have no big problem with, but late nights tend to use me up a little.
Then yesterday I was at a very happy Commission Exécutive Elargie for the South-West Region of the association of churches, at Montauban. Although "élargie", we were only 7 people in attendance which gave us a nice opportunity to talk more freely and get to know each other better.
So tired but happy. And a bit too preoccupied to blog. But I will soon.