Watch your mouth

Mark Driscoll is one of the most popular cyberpastors now. I confess that I haven't really gotten into watching or listening and one of my reservations is his style, including his choice of language.

Now I know that "he that winneth souls is wise", which suggests that results justify the means, and that "God blesses faithfulness, not results" so we can dismiss all discussion based on the size of his church or the influence he has. That don't prove nothing not one way nor the other.

And I know that all pastors get beaten up for the language they choose to use. I was taken to task for using the word "dead" (as in "dead cert") and "grab" (like a drowning man clutches at a straw when you see your real situation you'll grab at Jesus Christ). Among others. Those are just two that come to mind. In those situations one has to reflect.

And I know that preachers can have a slip of the tongue, especially when preaching in a language that is not their own. I remember when a guy said "Paul would make damn sure he saved as many as he could", and in French is it wise to say "vachement" or is that student speak...?

But it's one thing to make a slip. It's another to choose stories and a register of language that is "changing-room".

Nathan Busenitz discusses.


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