Well, how did Sunday go?

It went OK.

The guy who had prepared the order of service was very open to me leading everything - and I was very open to him doing it! So essentially all I had to do was the readings (1 Cor 10:1 - 4, John 7 and part of Exodus 17), preach and conduct the communion service.

I am starting to believe that basically people can understand me and that I will not suddenly panic and clamp up or something.. This means I am calmer and I take more time about things, which is good.

Preaching went OK. A few French howlers - but hey - I had moved house three days previously and got my text to preach on the day before that! You want a good job done I have to have more time! This was "quick and dirty".

I preached in a jumper. Well all my jackets were in boxes somewhere. And my shoes desperately need cleaning..

I had nice feedback afterwards.

On Tuesday our team leader said "Your ministry is certainly appreciated..."


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