Well, how did Sunday go?
It went OK.
The guy who had prepared the order of service was very open to me leading everything - and I was very open to him doing it! So essentially all I had to do was the readings (1 Cor 10:1 - 4, John 7 and part of Exodus 17), preach and conduct the communion service.
I am starting to believe that basically people can understand me and that I will not suddenly panic and clamp up or something.. This means I am calmer and I take more time about things, which is good.
Preaching went OK. A few French howlers - but hey - I had moved house three days previously and got my text to preach on the day before that! You want a good job done I have to have more time! This was "quick and dirty".
I preached in a jumper. Well all my jackets were in boxes somewhere. And my shoes desperately need cleaning..
I had nice feedback afterwards.
On Tuesday our team leader said "Your ministry is certainly appreciated..."
The guy who had prepared the order of service was very open to me leading everything - and I was very open to him doing it! So essentially all I had to do was the readings (1 Cor 10:1 - 4, John 7 and part of Exodus 17), preach and conduct the communion service.
I am starting to believe that basically people can understand me and that I will not suddenly panic and clamp up or something.. This means I am calmer and I take more time about things, which is good.
Preaching went OK. A few French howlers - but hey - I had moved house three days previously and got my text to preach on the day before that! You want a good job done I have to have more time! This was "quick and dirty".
I preached in a jumper. Well all my jackets were in boxes somewhere. And my shoes desperately need cleaning..
I had nice feedback afterwards.
On Tuesday our team leader said "Your ministry is certainly appreciated..."