Asian hornets next door

the houses in our street have 2 metre high walls or fences. They always did. It's nothing to do with us. But it means that some of the neighbours we have never seen, and others we see only from time to time.

Well our next-door neighbour is owner of the fence between our garden and his and he decided to come and get rid of the ivies and general growth that turns it from a fence to a hedgerow. We were a little sad because it gives us the idea that we're living in the country, but hey...

While we were talking I said "and that nest in the tree last year?"

"Yes, it was asian hornets (frelons asiatiques). We did nothing about it and eventually they left the nest and it fell out of the tree."

I wasn't sure this was the best course of action, but the nest was VERY HIGH UP in a VERY TALL TREE so I'm not sure what else could have been done. We never saw a hornet, anyway.


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