Yesterday was a beautiful day. A really beautiful day. Spring-like.

We had a card with a seat for the cinema and Gwilym and I were both feeling up to doing something, so we spent a beautiful afternoon in a darkened room watching an environmental catastrophe wipe out a mediterranean city. A sort of cross between Gladiator and 2012. We all agreed that is was a rubbish film.

On the way out a lady yelled across the road to us, "Il fait beau aujourd'hui ! Il pleut demain !"

Afterwards we went to a new chain of restaurants that is opening in Bordeaux, called Regent bistros. They propose for 12:90€ either steak, breast of duck or grilled festigia with unlimited salads and chips. The kids like it, apparently. But we were very early and they had not yet started serving, so we ended up in another place where Pat and I broke the rules of etiquette by having starters and dessert, omitting the main course.

Then home for another early night!

Today, just as the lady said, it is cold and raining and windy - and spring basically had a false start.

But I don't care, because CATRIN COMES HOME TOMORROW !


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