Whoopidooo !
There's always a solution, and it's usually something you didn't think of at all...
Today the French teacher had a little word with Gwilym.
Would he like to drop German and do Latin instead, staying in the same class ?
Oh yes !
The message to us reads, In view of Gwilym's good progress in French (double underlined), and if he stopped German, it would be really good for your son to do at least one year "Introduction to Latin". It's really helpful for spelling and grammar. (And there's not much homework to do.)
Vu les beaux progrès de Gwilym en Français, et s'il arrête l'allemand, il serait très bon pour votre fils de faire au moins pendant un an, Initiation au latin. C'est très formateur sur le plan de l'orthographe et de la grammaire. (De plus, il n'y a pas beaucoup de travail à la maison) bien cordialement...
It is taught by the French teacher, too. The same teacher who, early on in the year when he got 10/20 in a test on the imperfect, gave him a round of applause.
Cracking ! Pactum factum !
Now where are those Henricus Barbatus books someone loaned me once just before leaving for Latin America, and I never returned them...?
Today the French teacher had a little word with Gwilym.
Would he like to drop German and do Latin instead, staying in the same class ?
Oh yes !
The message to us reads, In view of Gwilym's good progress in French (double underlined), and if he stopped German, it would be really good for your son to do at least one year "Introduction to Latin". It's really helpful for spelling and grammar. (And there's not much homework to do.)
Vu les beaux progrès de Gwilym en Français, et s'il arrête l'allemand, il serait très bon pour votre fils de faire au moins pendant un an, Initiation au latin. C'est très formateur sur le plan de l'orthographe et de la grammaire. (De plus, il n'y a pas beaucoup de travail à la maison) bien cordialement...
It is taught by the French teacher, too. The same teacher who, early on in the year when he got 10/20 in a test on the imperfect, gave him a round of applause.
Cracking ! Pactum factum !
Now where are those Henricus Barbatus books someone loaned me once just before leaving for Latin America, and I never returned them...?
Blessings !
(but surely monseiur, you set the homework... so if you are embarrassed by it.. stop it?)
I love how the teacher tries to make school more attractive by saying how little homework there is...! Nice...
Requiescat in pacem...
C'est un bon oeuf, le professeur de français !