Marches bring Bordeaux trams to a standstill
The trams were halted by two marches in Bordeaux today :
Gay Pride and March for Jesus.
I didn't see either.
I hope people are not too confused.
Gay Pride and March for Jesus.

I didn't see either.
I hope people are not too confused.
Mon 7:30 - here is the report from TopChrétien:
A Bordeaux : 800 personnes dont Alain Juppé est passé discrètement. Un parcours de 3 h 30 avec en finale, Philippe Decourroux et des groupes locaux, ont animé la soirée de 18 h à 21 h30 dans une excellente ambiance. 500 évangiles on été distribués.

At Bordeaux : 800 people amongst whom Alain Juppé the mayor and now government minister passed discreetly. A route that lasted 3 1/2 hours followed by a concert with various people from six till half past nine with an excellent ambiance. 500 gospels given away.
Here's some photos the organisers have distributed. Personally I am not sure that the US flag is such a good idea. Many French people think that evangelical Christianity is an American import. I wouldn't march behind an Israeli flag, either, personally. Or any national flag, for that matter.