Ministers' fellowship at Montauban
Montauban is 2h30 drive away § , and once I parked the car I couldn't find the church because it was crawling with workmen ! They are putting in underfloor heating - the hot water comes from Montauban's rubbish incinerator so it's cheap.
I got given a bit of a grilling regarding my background, my work and my status in the denomination. It transpires that the denomination does not yet actually recognise the CPO catalogue as a formal theological qualification. Fancy ! So I am officially sans-papiers.
We were : 1 American, 1 Dutchman, 1 South African, 1 Chilean, 1 Welshman and two Frenchmen, one of whom is black. I don't feel especially foreign in our meetings.
§ We gogs ¤ are used to that. When on EMW English Exec I used to drive 9 hours there and back for a 2h30 meeting.
¤ gog is a slightly perjorative term for a North Walian.