God's providence
Some people dislike this hymn because it sings of an aspect of God's work in this world rather than of him. As does "Amazing grace". Hmm.
I like it because :
1) it reminds me that there's nothing so big or so small that God has not worked it into his plan of love for good.
2) it goes to a great tune - Builth - with soaring tenors in the last bars.
3) I know the translator.
4) it's even better in Welsh, as you'd expect, No matter how good the translation (and this one excels) it's not the original.
GREAT providence of heaven –
what wonders shine
in its profound display
of God’s design:
it guards the dust of earth,
commands the hosts above,
fulfils the mighty plan
of His great love.
The kingdoms of this world
lie in its hand;
see how they rise or fall
at its command!
Through sorrow and distress,
tempestuous storms that rage,
God’s kingdom yet endures
from age to age.
Its darkness dense is but
a radiant light;
its oft-perplexing ways
are ordered right.
Soon all its winding paths
will end, and then the tale
of wonder shall be told
beyond the veil.
David Charles, 1762-1834;
tr. by Edmund Tudor Owen, b. 1935
© E T Owen
and in Welsh :
Rhagluniaeth fawr y nef,
Mor rhyfedd yw
Esboniad helaeth hon
O arfaeth Duw:
Mae’n gwylio llwch y llawr,
Mae’n trefnu lluoedd nef,
Cyflawna’r cwbwl oll
O’i gyngor ef.
Llywodraeth faith y byd
Sydd yn ei llaw,
Mae’n tynnu yma i lawr,
Yn codi draw:
Trwy bob helyntoedd blin,
Terfysgoedd o bob rhyw,
Dyrchafu’n gyson mae
Deyrnas ein Duw.
Ei th’wyllwch dudew sydd
Yn olau gwir,
Ei dryswch mwyaf, mae
Yn drefen glir;
Hi ddaw a’i throeon maith
Yn fuan oll i ben,
Bydd synnu wrth gofio’r rhain
Tu draw i’r llen.
I like it because :
1) it reminds me that there's nothing so big or so small that God has not worked it into his plan of love for good.
2) it goes to a great tune - Builth - with soaring tenors in the last bars.
3) I know the translator.
4) it's even better in Welsh, as you'd expect, No matter how good the translation (and this one excels) it's not the original.
GREAT providence of heaven –
what wonders shine
in its profound display
of God’s design:
it guards the dust of earth,
commands the hosts above,
fulfils the mighty plan
of His great love.
The kingdoms of this world
lie in its hand;
see how they rise or fall
at its command!
Through sorrow and distress,
tempestuous storms that rage,
God’s kingdom yet endures
from age to age.
Its darkness dense is but
a radiant light;
its oft-perplexing ways
are ordered right.
Soon all its winding paths
will end, and then the tale
of wonder shall be told
beyond the veil.
David Charles, 1762-1834;
tr. by Edmund Tudor Owen, b. 1935
© E T Owen
and in Welsh :
Rhagluniaeth fawr y nef,
Mor rhyfedd yw
Esboniad helaeth hon
O arfaeth Duw:
Mae’n gwylio llwch y llawr,
Mae’n trefnu lluoedd nef,
Cyflawna’r cwbwl oll
O’i gyngor ef.
Llywodraeth faith y byd
Sydd yn ei llaw,
Mae’n tynnu yma i lawr,
Yn codi draw:
Trwy bob helyntoedd blin,
Terfysgoedd o bob rhyw,
Dyrchafu’n gyson mae
Deyrnas ein Duw.
Ei th’wyllwch dudew sydd
Yn olau gwir,
Ei dryswch mwyaf, mae
Yn drefen glir;
Hi ddaw a’i throeon maith
Yn fuan oll i ben,
Bydd synnu wrth gofio’r rhain
Tu draw i’r llen.
Have we ever invited you over to stay? Tell Mr Bendigedig to bring his drill and stepladder.