God's providence

Some people dislike this hymn because it sings of an aspect of God's work in this world rather than of him. As does "Amazing grace". Hmm.

I like it because :

1) it reminds me that there's nothing so big or so small that God has not worked it into his plan of love for good.

2) it goes to a great tune - Builth - with soaring tenors in the last bars.

3) I know the translator.

4) it's even better in Welsh, as you'd expect, No matter how good the translation (and this one excels) it's not the original.

GREAT providence of heaven –
what wonders shine
in its profound display
of God’s design:
it guards the dust of earth,
commands the hosts above,
fulfils the mighty plan
of His great love.

The kingdoms of this world
lie in its hand;
see how they rise or fall
at its command!
Through sorrow and distress,
tempestuous storms that rage,
God’s kingdom yet endures
from age to age.

Its darkness dense is but
a radiant light;
its oft-perplexing ways
are ordered right.
Soon all its winding paths
will end, and then the tale
of wonder shall be told
beyond the veil.

David Charles, 1762-1834;
tr. by Edmund Tudor Owen, b. 1935
© E T Owen

and in Welsh :

Rhagluniaeth fawr y nef,
Mor rhyfedd yw
Esboniad helaeth hon
O arfaeth Duw:
Mae’n gwylio llwch y llawr,
Mae’n trefnu lluoedd nef,
Cyflawna’r cwbwl oll
O’i gyngor ef.

Llywodraeth faith y byd
Sydd yn ei llaw,
Mae’n tynnu yma i lawr,
Yn codi draw:
Trwy bob helyntoedd blin,
Terfysgoedd o bob rhyw,
Dyrchafu’n gyson mae
Deyrnas ein Duw.

Ei th’wyllwch dudew sydd
Yn olau gwir,
Ei dryswch mwyaf, mae
Yn drefen glir;
Hi ddaw a’i throeon maith
Yn fuan oll i ben,
Bydd synnu wrth gofio’r rhain
Tu draw i’r llen.


Anonymous said…
I don't understand how you can sing somebody's praise if you don't at least sometimes praise what they do, not only who they are. My husband is wonderful. He is wonderful with DIY; he's saved us pounds, and sorting the cars out too. He's very kind and understanding especially when I'm ill. See what I mean? Who a person is, is proved by what they do. It's good to focus on God, His greatness, His providence, His holiness and most of all His love - proved in Christ. Thank you for frequent reminders of great hymns, or rather the great truths found in these old favourites.
Alan said…
I wholeheartedly agree ('Your lovingkindness is better than life').

Have we ever invited you over to stay? Tell Mr Bendigedig to bring his drill and stepladder.

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