Spurgeon contemplates the glory of the Lord being revealed


Anonymous said…
Thank you, Alan. You have interesting links. I'm disappointed not to be able to leave a comment on the article about having Christian heroes.
I too, love to read certain authors and knowing the biographies of some of those writers has certainly endeared me to them. I have actually heard the great Martin Lloyd Jones preach. All I remember about him is what an unassuming man he was. Obviously a clever man but so very humble with it. I'm sure he would be one of the first to admit his infalibility, nay his sinfulness and point us to Christ.
A very wise person once told me - "Never expect anything from anyone, and you'll never be disappointed". This may seem cynical and I'm not saying that loads of people have disappointed me, but you know, men are only men at best, bless them. The 'greatest' of them can falter.
The closest thing I have seen to idolatry (not that it was you understand) is when a very famous preacher came to church and the children's address was put to one side for that week to give the preacher more time. Shame! Christ thinks very highly of children. Remember the first shall be last and the last shall be first, these are only our labels for people, not God's.
So, lets be inspired and thrilled by the encouragement of others to contemplate Christ. Let's emulate their Christ-likeness, but let's exalt the Lord who created them and praise His name for his gift of great preachers, indeed for ALL preachers, for it is not the preacher who is the focus but the Word of God which they preach.
Alan said…
Yes. I heard DMLJ preach, too, but I don't tell many people because they tend to treat your differently once they know.

(just kidding... but I did hear him preach. 1980 in Aberystwyth)
Anonymous said…
being older then you Alan, I had ana dvantage and heard the doctor 4 times in different locations. The most striking occasion was standig for over an hour at the back of a hall (I think I was stewarding - but being older than you, I can't quite remember) I thought that he had cut short his sermon, only to discover that he had preached for over an hour !The time had flown by.
Anonymous said…
Yes Chris, I know exactly where you're coming from. I remember a service in Lincoln, quite some years ago. There was an hour and a half of praise and worship, and I had just turned to the lady wife and said words to the effect, "All froth and bubble and no substance." Just then the children left the hall to go to their Sunday Schools and we had an hour and a half sermon on Ephesians 6, "And having stood, to stand". (See, after all these years I can remember the subject and that is so VERY rare for me.) It was preached by one of their elders. Talk about feeding on meat. However, we were staying with my best man who was not with us and it caused all sorts of tension when we returned. If those kids had an hour and a half of Sunday School that was even half as good as what we got, they would have done very well indeed. (It was a tightly packed church with room on the balcony only when we arrived, so they weren't driving people away). Another such preacher is Don Carson, the American. I have heard him preach for forty-five minutes on a couple of occasions and both times would have readily listened to him for at least the same time again, and what a nice chap.

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