Guillaume the trainer and Gwilym the player

(sorry about the shadow) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said…
Why is that feller in the floral shorts leaning on that little boy? Is he tired, is he refusing to let him go on the field and play football? "No Gwilym, you're not going on to the pitch"? (Only in French of course.)

I like his footware though, I should imagine that it's easier to clean than trainers should he chance to step in some puppy pooh.

Actually, it's really nice to see such unaffected informality in a world and age where so much seems to carry risks and unpleasant connotations. Very refreshing.

By the way Alan, I can recognise you from your shadow and you haven't shaved - again.
PGDH said…
Nice baseball cap, Alan!
Alan said…
Sorry - no baseball cap. The funny shaped head is just an artefact of the angle of the sun.

Mind you, I was leaning against a pillar as well, but I don't think it was anywhere near my head!

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