Four things

(well it's a nice break from writing out phonetic alphabets)

Four jobs I have had
Hospital porter/storesman
Database administrator

Four films I could watch over and over
A Pink Panther film
The Princess Bride
An Indiana Jones film
La belle Helène (the one with Felicity Lott)

Four books I could read over and over
Three men in a boat
A child's Christmas in Wales
My family and other animals
Asterix ym Mhrydain/in Britain/chez les Bretons

Four Christian books I could read over and over
Spurgeon "Lectures to my students"
Spurgeon "Treasury of David" - this would be my desert island book
Calvin's "Institutes" - helps to balance Spurgeon out a bit!
Jerry Bridges and Gresham Machen

Four places I have lived
Connah's Quay

For TV programmes I watch (well, sort of)
The Good Life ( this was 'Allo 'allo because of the chap with the big nose and all the wrong vowels, but then I chose again because of the chap with the big nose and all the wrong vowels)
Dr Who
Inspector Morse
Miss Marple
(we zap from channel to channel with French TV now)

Four places I have been on holiday
A burnt out chicken farm
A boarding kennels in Cornwall

Four websites I visit almost daily
BBC News
Tim Challies' blog
Gmail (that's a bit of a cheat, I know)
David Field's blog

Four favourite foods
Roast vegetables (especially roast garlic! Yum!)
Really good chocolate
Poire belle Helène

Four favourite beverages
PG Tips
Another PG Tips, please
Water (I can't believe I said that. My tastes are really changing!)
Big Stink (Poulain "Grand arôme" drinking chocolate

Four places I'd like to be right now
Home with the family
In one of those bookshops with a coffee bar in it, like Borders at Cheshire Oaks
St David's Hall, Cardiff
Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Four people to tag
Well tagging won't work, but have a go people!


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