Home, by Toni Morrison

Oh boy, did we mess up good !

Today was the second meeting of the café reading group of the ex-pat association, so Patricia and I read the book and turned up.

Uh-oh. That was against the rules. To go to our second book group meeting we have to be members, and to be members we need to have attended two DIFFERENT events and be sponsored by two members of the club, one of them a founder member.

OK. So We got ready to leave, but they let us stay and graciously involved us in the discussion of the book of the month, Home, by Toni Morrison.

I have since looked at the association's website to find some other events to attend, and maybe we can get the sponsors before the next meeting.

If not, tant pis. I'd wondered what it would be like to be in a book group and I've done it twice !


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