A late morning appointment and the 50c haircut.

I had an appointment this morning with a chap at 11am at the Réseau Paul Bert in the middle of Bordeaux. I've mentioned this place before, it's the place that does lunch for 4€ and also does massage, has cheap laundry machines, etc...

So I waded off to the bus stop through the mangroves in the park (we had torrential rain last night on the already saturated ground) and hopped on the bus to the middle of town. It started pouring again and I had no hat so I got off two stops early in distraction and got on the tram instead. ( I know. Nobody said this would make sense. )

Got to the building right on time ! No chap. Started trying to analyse the composition of the folk who were there. Mostly white men. Then came white women. Then black guys. Men outnumbered women by about 5 to 1.

One chappie caught my eye - he was parading round with a tee-shirt with lots of writing on, front and back.

It said : "Mens and womens haircuts 50 centîmes, long or short, sign up at the bar."

He stopped near me.

"You do haircuts ?" "That's right !"

"For 50c ?" "Yes."

"For anyone ?" "Yes, for anyone. Well, obviously not for you (laughing...)"

"And when do you do this ?" "Every Wednesday morning."

"And you're a hairdresser ?" "Yes, I'm a hairdresser..."

I ALMOST gave it a go. I do need a haircut. And nobody seemed interested in getting theirs done..

But I just chickened out in case my chappie came.

He didn't. At 11:25 I decided he wasn't coming and went home.

What have I got on next Wednesday ? What about a 50c haircut ?.


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