Scary moments

This morning something (can't remember exactly what) didn't work very well on my laptop - the laptop that belongs to the mission, that I use for PowerPoint at church and for the English Class etc. I just wondered how much space there was on the hard disk - I have been contemplating doing a hard disk transplant.

Ah. Not very much at all !

So even as I speak Acronis True Image is copying from the laptop hard disk to the new, improved, bigger one. Then comes the scary moment when I have to take the old disk out of the laptop, put the new one in and hope it all boots up OK.

I did the same thing on the desktop computer months ago and that worked OK. But the laptop is more important than the desktop.

Oh come on ! Why shouldn't it work ?

( Two hours later and a couple of false starts... I think it really is working now... )


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