Hooray ! Today is internet day !

at the student centre. They have attempted to deliver the modem. I hope it is at the post office at Meriadeck, so today I'll go into the centre, retrieve the little card, pick up the modem from the post office, plug it all together and ... hopefully ... bob shall be thine uncle and frances thine aunt.

Well it's now 14:02. Robert and Frances fought back, but I am glad to say that after umpteen attempts to get the wifi to connect following the instructions and two phone calls to Darty, I decided to work from first principles:

I deleted everything that could be mucking about with the wifi USB key ( old installations of Wanadoo/Orange and Neuf ), downloaded the wifi key drivers from the internet and installed the old fashioned way ...

and it works.

Hurrah !


mmccarnan said…
maybe you can help me here--i'm assuming that "bob shall be..." is a funny way of putting another phrase i've heard alot: "bob's your uncle," often tagged with "fan's your aunt."
i know what the phrase communicates, but where did it come from? is it rhyming slang or something? it's a great phrase--don't get me wrong.
Alan said…
I have generally heard and used 'Bob's your uncle and Fanny's your aunt', but I have certain reservations with the second part of the phrase.

Anyway, a quick google search turns up:


You pays your money and you takes your choice.

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