So hang on - we're pulling the troops out of Iraq and sending Prince Harry instead?

or is there something I am missing here.....


Jon said…
Sounds fair enough to me...
Anonymous said…
No, I don't think there's anything that you're missing; according to reports of his lifestyle, he can go in with a few of his mates and make such a right royal (no pun intended) mess of the place that no-one will want to fight for possession of it any more. There'll be nothing left worth scrapping over!
Alan said…
Welcome back, Ken. I have missed you so much.
Anonymous said…
You're just too kind, we've been away on extended leaves of abscence, the first, as you're aware, to L.B.F. to see number one and family, and the second for a family wedding behind the former Iron Curtain for extended celebrations as we divested ourselves of number four, (but number one son). It's surprising how quiet the house now seems though he and his bride keep popping in to pick up various possessions. Wonder how long it'll be before some of those possessions start wending their way back in this direction???

By the way, had a couple of interesting e-mails from our friend the crazy Yank, I'll probably e-mail them to you in the next few days/weeks/months. Both quite thought-provoking.
Anonymous said…
Just to clarify, we were not celebrating divesting ourselves of number four - honestly, - just the joyous occasion. (That's in case the contingent from Ebenezer in Mold who were there try to put the boot in!)

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