Rain !

Boy, can it rain here !

The whole garden now is just one big sea of mud.

It's like a perpetual national eisteddfod ! Amazing.

And the rain comes down in all directions - horizontally, whatever.

This morning it was coming down solid in little lumps. Our chimney has a sort of roof on it, but some of the hailstones jerked sideways at just the right moment and made it down the chimney anyway.

And today was the day the EDF men came to move our electricity wire. There they were, up their ladders, while the wind whistled round and round their boilersuits and the rain soaked them through.

One of the chaps says "normalement à Bordeaux il pleut tout le temps".

I think you can work that one out.

Reminds me of Swansea.

They say if you can't see the tower of the Brangwyn Hall then it's raining.
If you can see the tower then it's about to rain.


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