A quiet day - a long blog to read

Today will be a quiet day after a hectic weekend. I have just one meeting at lunchtime, the group of men reading through "Preaching the whole Bible as Christian scripture". Before I go I have to read the chapter set and ponder it!

I have a wardrobe to build. In fact I have three, but the first one took me nearly all day, though that did include putting the framework together twice; once wrong, once right.

I have a family at home to spend a little time with. All are now out of bed and some French cartoon is on the TV.

But I began the day by reading Gary Brady's blog. He's an old college friend who was also the best man at our wedding (well, second-best man to be precise, but let's not reopen old wounds...)

His prolific blog www.darbygray.blogspot.com provided this great link http://www.bibleplan.org/


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