Now this is starting to get confusing

I had received notice to fill in a tax return. "They" don't send me the form because I've done it on the internet for years. "They" know I've lived in France for over a year now and that I pay French income tax, but there we are.

But it gets so confusing:
British tax year: April to April, French tax year follows the calendar year.
French tax system, you declare the income of your household. British system is individual taxation.
British system, I can offset ministerial expenses against my income tax. French system, there's a "lower threshold" for expenses and we don't reach it.

What really got me was that there didn't seem to be a spot to say that this income was taxable in France rather than Britain. Mind you, I had the same thing with the French declaration - there I had to declare my income in Britain and tell them how much tax I paid.

Very confusing for me.

I just hope I got it all right. If this turns into the "Reformed Imprisoned Inadvertent Tax Evader Blog", then you'll know I made a boo boo! le Davey de Clink.


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