Hhhhmmmmm - providence

We hummed and we hahed. Which church to visit on Sunday morning ?

Catrin would be with us. What to do ?

Gwilym would be at our church in Cenon. Maybe we'd return to Lormont.

Or maybe to the Eglise Libre.

Or Lormont. Or the Eglise Libre...

In the end we decided on the Eglise Libre and took the 44 from just round the corner.

We got to the church and went in, found a place roughly in the middle.

Then a woman came forward from the back of the church - Patricia ! Alan !

Our friend from language school, that is 8 years ago in my case and from Marie-Anne's class in Pat's case had spotted us and came up to say hello.

"It is my first time in a protestant church in France. Yes, at home we are protestant, but I didn't go very often, but this weekend I just felt I wanted to go to church and this one is near."

She sat in the row behind us and after the service I introduced her to the young pasteur stagiaire. I also mentioned her to some other folk who would keep an eye on her.

Amazing. God's plan.


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