Sympa, Autocool !

So some time in the wee hours the decision was taken:
we would join the Autocool Car Pool Club without further hesitation or delay.

Thus it was that this morning found me traipsing down from Mériadeck to the Autocool office near the quays (the tram had broken down) where I found a very nice lady who explained everything to me.

Because I already have a tram season ticket then

1) I don't have to pay 150€ to join, the joining fee is waived

2) the monthly fee is reduced from 10€ to 8€, but there's also 20% reduction on the tram ticket,
so it costs between 1€ and 2€ a month to belong

3) we can add Pat as another driver

4) a UK driving licence is fine, though those from certain states of the USA are not

5) fuel is included in the charge for using the car - you get fuel using a special card kept in the cars

6) you can even put learner drivers on to do their conduite accompagnée

7) you can also use the similar schemes in Paris, Strasbourg, Marseille, etc. etc.

I left the office thinking that this is a very good deal, clutching my new Autocool card.


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