Student and Eurotoit

So I had a meeting at 3 with a student at the town hall. We found each other - I was wearing my red jacket but he was in black, grey and jeans like everyone else. Saw a few other folk I know, too. He needed to get a Bible so we staggered off to the Maison de la Bible.

We chatted about the possibilities of making a few changes here and there, as Bethany Books has done in Shotton. Then we zoomed to the Café Cheverus where I used to do the Advanced English Classes so long ago ! (like in June...) We read together, talked and prayed.

Then off to the church to meet a roofer (Eurotoit) who might fix our leaks. ( New ceiling but the roof is leaky ! ) His proposal sounds alarmingly expensive to me, but then what do I know, and he's going to give us a quote anyway.

After he went I spent some time reading Mostyn Roberts' charming biography of Francis Shaeffer ( IV ) then got some grub to eat before the prayer meeting.


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